Source code for impedance.validation

import numpy as np
from impedance.models.circuits.fitting import rmse
from impedance.models.circuits.elements import circuit_elements, K  # noqa

[docs]def linKK(f, Z, c=0.85, max_M=50, fit_type='real', add_cap=False): """ A method for implementing the Lin-KK test for validating linearity [1] Parameters ---------- f: np.ndarray measured frequencies Z: np.ndarray of complex numbers measured impedances c: np.float cutoff for mu max_M: int the maximum number of RC elements fit_type: str selects which components of data are fit ('real', 'imag', or 'complex') add_cap: bool option to add a serial capacitance that helps validate data with no low-frequency intercept Returns ------- M: int number of RC elements used mu: np.float under- or over-fitting measure Z_fit: np.ndarray of complex numbers impedance of fit at input frequencies resids_real: np.ndarray real component of the residuals of the fit at input frequencies resids_imag: np.ndarray imaginary component of the residuals of the fit at input frequencies Notes ----- The lin-KK method from Schönleber et al. [1] is a quick test for checking the validity of EIS data. The validity of an impedance spectrum is analyzed by its reproducibility by a Kramers-Kronig (KK) compliant equivalent circuit. In particular, the model used in the lin-KK test is an ohmic resistor, :math:`R_{Ohm}`, and :math:`M` RC elements. .. math:: \\hat Z = R_{Ohm} + \\sum_{k=1}^{M} \\frac{R_k}{1 + j \\omega \\tau_k} The :math:`M` time constants, :math:`\\tau_k`, are distributed logarithmically, .. math:: \\tau_1 = \\frac{1}{\\omega_{max}} ; \\tau_M = \\frac{1}{\\omega_{min}} ; \\tau_k = 10^{\\log{(\\tau_{min}) + \\frac{k-1}{M-1}\\log{{( \\frac{\\tau_{max}}{\\tau_{min}}}})}} and are not fit during the test (only :math:`R_{Ohm}` and :math:`R_{k}` are free parameters). In order to prevent under- or over-fitting, Schönleber et al. propose using the ratio of positive resistor mass to negative resistor mass as a metric for finding the optimal number of RC elements. .. math:: \\mu = 1 - \\frac{\\sum_{R_k \\ge 0} |R_k|}{\\sum_{R_k < 0} |R_k|} The argument :code:`c` defines the cutoff value for :math:`\\mu`. The algorithm starts at :code:`M = 3` and iterates up to :code:`max_M` until a :math:`\\mu < c` is reached. The default of 0.85 is simply a heuristic value based off of the experience of Schönleber et al., but a lower value may give better results. If the argument :code:`c` is :code:`None`, then the automatic determination of RC elements is turned off and the solution is calculated for :code:`max_M` RC elements. This manual mode should be used with caution as under- and over-fitting should be avoided. [1] Schönleber, M. et al. A Method for Improving the Robustness of linear Kramers-Kronig Validity Tests. Electrochimica Acta 131, 20–27 (2014) `doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2014.01.034 <>`_. """ if c is not None: M = 0 mu = 1 while mu > c and M < max_M: M += 1 ts = get_tc_distribution(f, M) elements, mu = fit_linKK(f, ts, M, Z, fit_type, add_cap) if M % 10 == 0: print(M, mu, rmse(eval_linKK(elements, ts, f), Z)) else: M = max_M ts = get_tc_distribution(f, M) elements, mu = fit_linKK(f, ts, M, Z, fit_type, add_cap) Z_fit = eval_linKK(elements, ts, f) resids_real = residuals_linKK(elements, ts, Z, f, residuals='real') resids_imag = residuals_linKK(elements, ts, Z, f, residuals='imag') return M, mu, Z_fit, resids_real, resids_imag
[docs]def get_tc_distribution(f, M): """ Returns the distribution of time constants for the linKK method """ t_max = 1/(2 * np.pi * np.min(f)) t_min = 1/(2 * np.pi * np.max(f)) ts = np.zeros(shape=(M,)) ts[0] = t_min ts[-1] = t_max if M > 1: for k in range(2, M): ts[k-1] = 10**(np.log10(t_min) + ((k-1)/(M-1))*np.log10(t_max/t_min)) return ts
[docs]def fit_linKK(f, ts, M, Z, fit_type='real', add_cap=False): """ Fits the linKK model using linear regression Parameters ---------- f: np.ndarray measured frequencies ts: np.ndarray logarithmically spaced time constants of RC elements M: int the number of RC elements Z: np.ndarray of complex numbers measured impedances fit_type: str selects which components of data are fit ('real', 'imag', or 'complex') add_cap: bool option to add a serial capacitance that helps validate data with no low-frequency intercept Returns ------- elements: np.ndarray values of fit :math:`R_k` in RC elements and series :math:`R_0`, L, and optionally C. mu: np.float under- or over-fitting measure Notes ----- Since we have a system of equations, :math:`Ax ~= b`, that's linear wrt :math:`R_k`, we can fit the model by calculating the pseudo-inverse of A. :math:`Ax` is our model fit, :math:`\\hat{Z}`, and :math:`b` is the normalized real or imaginary component of the impedance data, :math:`Re(Z)/|Z|` or :math:`Im(Z)/|Z|`, respectively. :math:`\\hat{Z} = R_0 + \\sum^M_{k=1}(R_k / |Z|(1 + j * w * \\tau_k))`. :math:`x` is an (M+1) :math:`\\times` 1 matrix where the first row contains :math:`R_0` and subsequent rows contain :math:`R_k` values. A is an N :math:`\\times` (M+1) matrix, where N is the number of data points, and M is the number of RC elements. Examples -------- Fitting the real part of data, the first column of A contains values of :math:`\\frac{1}{|Z|}`, the second column contains :math:`Re(1 / |Z| (1 + j * w * \\tau_1))`, the third contains :math:`Re(1 / |Z| (1 + j * w * \\tau_2))` and so on. The :math:`R_k` values within the x matrix are found using :code:`numpy.linalg.pinv` when fit_type = 'real' or 'imag'. When fit_type = 'complex' the coefficients are found "manually" using :math:`r = ||A'x - b'||^2 + ||A''x - b'||^2` according to Eq 14 of Schonleber [1]. [1] Schönleber, M. et al. A Method for Improving the Robustness of linear Kramers-Kronig Validity Tests. Electrochimica Acta 131, 20–27 (2014) `doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2014.01.034 <>`_. """ w = 2 * np.pi * f # Fitting model has M RC elements plus 1 series resistance and 1 series # inductance a_re = np.zeros((f.size, M+2)) a_im = np.zeros((f.size, M+2)) if add_cap: a_re = np.zeros((f.size, M+3)) a_im = np.zeros((f.size, M+3)) # Column for series capacitance. Real part = 0. a_im[:, -2] = - 1 / (w * np.abs(Z)) # Column for series resistance, R_o in model. Imaginary part = 0. a_re[:, 0] = 1 / np.abs(Z) # Column for series inductance to capture inevitable contributions from # the measurement system. Real part = 0. a_im[:, -1] = w / np.abs(Z) # Columns for series RC elements for i, tau in enumerate(ts): a_re[:, i+1] = K([1, tau], f).real / np.abs(Z) a_im[:, i+1] = K([1, tau], f).imag / np.abs(Z) if fit_type == 'real': elements = np.linalg.pinv(a_re).dot(Z.real / np.abs(Z)) # After fitting real part, need to use imaginary component of fit to # find values of series inductance and capacitance a_im = np.zeros((f.size, 2)) a_im[:, -1] = w / np.abs(Z) if add_cap: a_im[:, -2] = -1 / (w * np.abs(Z)) elements[-2] = 1e-18 # nullifies series C without dividing by 0 Z_fit_re = eval_linKK(elements, ts, f) coefs = np.linalg.pinv(a_im).dot((Z.imag - Z_fit_re.imag) / np. abs(Z)) if add_cap: elements[-2:] = coefs else: elements[-1] = coefs[-1] elif fit_type == 'imag': elements = np.linalg.pinv(a_im).dot(Z.imag / np.abs(Z)) # Calculates real part of impedance from fitting to imaginary parts # without ohmic resistance, i.e. only the real parts of series RC # elements. z_re = eval_linKK(elements, ts, f) # Weighting used in Boukamp et al - "A Linear Kronig-Kramers # Transform for Immittance Data Validation" 1995, J. Electrochem # Soc. 142 (6) ws = 1 / (Z.real**2 + Z.imag**2) # Finds ohmic resistance for imaginary part fit according to Eq 7 # of Boukamp et al. elements[0] = np.sum(ws * (Z.real - z_re.real)) / np.sum(ws) elif fit_type == 'complex': # x = (A*•A)^-1 # y = A*•b # Pseudoinsverse, A^+ = (A*•A)^-1•A* and R_k values = A^+•b x = np.linalg.inv( + y = / np.abs(Z)) + / np.abs(Z)) elements = else: raise ValueError("Invalid choice of fit_type, please choose from " "\'real\', \'imag\', or \'complex\'") if add_cap: mu = calc_mu(elements[1:-2]) else: mu = calc_mu(elements[1:-1]) return elements, mu
[docs]def eval_linKK(elements, ts, f): """ Builds a circuit of RC elements to be used in LinKK """ circuit_string = 's([R({},{}),'.format([elements[0]], f.tolist()) for (Rk, tk) in zip(elements[1:], ts): circuit_string += f'K({[Rk, tk]},{f.tolist()}),' circuit_string += 'L({},{}),'.format([elements[-1]], f.tolist()) if elements.size == (ts.size + 3): circuit_string += 'C({},{}),'.format([1/elements[-2]], f.tolist()) circuit_string = circuit_string.strip(',') circuit_string += '])' return eval(circuit_string, circuit_elements)
[docs]def residuals_linKK(elements, ts, Z, f, residuals='real'): """ Calculates the residual between the data and a LinKK fit """ err = (Z - eval_linKK(elements, ts, f))/np.abs(Z) if residuals == 'real': return err.real elif residuals == 'imag': return err.imag elif residuals == 'both': z1d = np.zeros(Z.size*2, dtype=np.float64) z1d[0:z1d.size:2] = err.real z1d[1:z1d.size:2] = err.imag return z1d
[docs]def calc_mu(Rs): """ Calculates mu for use in LinKK """ neg_sum = sum(abs(x) for x in Rs if x < 0) pos_sum = sum(abs(x) for x in Rs if x >= 0) return 1 - neg_sum/pos_sum