Source code for impedance.preprocessing

Methods for preprocessing impedance data from instrument files

import numpy as np

[docs]def readFile(filename, instrument=None): """ A wrapper for reading in many common types of impedance files Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename to extract impedance data from instrument: string Type of instrument file Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ supported_types = ['gamry', 'autolab', 'parstat', 'zplot', 'versastudio', 'powersuite', 'biologic', 'chinstruments'] if instrument is not None: assert instrument in supported_types,\ '{} is not a supported instrument ({})'.format(instrument, supported_types) if instrument == 'gamry': f, Z = readGamry(filename) elif instrument == 'autolab': f, Z = readAutolab(filename) elif instrument == 'biologic': f, Z = readBioLogic(filename) elif instrument == 'parstat': f, Z = readParstat(filename) elif instrument == 'zplot': f, Z = readZPlot(filename) elif instrument == 'versastudio': f, Z = readVersaStudio(filename) elif instrument == 'powersuite': f, Z = readPowerSuite(filename) elif instrument == 'chinstruments': f, Z = readCHInstruments(filename) elif instrument is None: f, Z = readCSV(filename) return f, Z
[docs]def readGamry(filename): """ function for reading the .DTA file from Gamry Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .DTA file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() end_line = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if 'ZCURVE' in line: start_line = i if 'EXPERIMENTABORTED' in line: end_line = i if end_line != 0: raw_data = lines[start_line + 3:end_line] else: raw_data = lines[start_line + 3:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: line = line.replace(",", ".") each = line.split() f.append(float(each[2])) Z.append(complex(float(each[3]), float(each[4]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readAutolab(filename): """ function for reading comma-delimited files from Autolab Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find('Freq') != -1: start_line = i raw_data = lines[start_line+1:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: each = line.split(',') f.append(float(each[0])) Z.append(complex(float(each[4]), float(each[5]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readBioLogic(filename): """ function for reading the .mpt file from Biologic EC-lab software Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .mpt file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding="latin-1") as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() header_line = lines[1] # MPT data format has variable number of header lines number_header_lines = int(header_line.split(":")[1]) # find the freq and Z columns headers = lines[number_header_lines-1].split('\t') freq_cols = [o for o, h in enumerate(headers) if h == 'freq/Hz'] ReZ_cols = [o for o, h in enumerate(headers) if h == 'Re(Z)/Ohm'] ImZ_cols = [o for o, h in enumerate(headers) if h == '-Im(Z)/Ohm'] col_heads = ['freq/Hz', 'Re(Z)/Ohm', '-Im(Z)/Ohm'] for cols, ch in zip([freq_cols, ReZ_cols, ImZ_cols], col_heads): assert len(cols) > 0, f'"{ch}" not found in column headers' freq_col = freq_cols[0] ReZ_col = ReZ_cols[0] ImZ_col = ImZ_cols[0] raw_data = lines[number_header_lines:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: each = line.split('\t') f.append(float(each[freq_col])) # MPT data format saves the imaginary portion as -Im(Z) not Im(Z) Z.append(complex(float(each[ReZ_col]), -1*float(each[ImZ_col]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readParstat(filename): """ function for reading the .txt file from Parstat Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .txt file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() raw_data = lines[1:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: each = line.split() if float(each[3]) != 0: f.append(float(each[3])) Z.append(complex(float(each[4]), float(each[5]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readVersaStudio(filename): """ function for reading the .PAR file from VersaStudio Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .PAR file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ from re import split with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() # List to track [segment index, segment start line, segment end line] segments = list([]) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Segments" in line: if not segments: segments = [[int(j) for j in split(r'[=\n]', line) if j.isdigit()]] elif [int(j) for j in split(r'[=\n]', line) if j.isdigit()]: segments.append([int(j) for j in split(r'[=\n]', line) if j.isdigit()]) if segments: for j in segments: if '<Segment' + str(segments[j[0]][0]) + '>' in line: segments[j[0]].append(i) if '</Segment' + str(segments[j[0]][0]) + '>' in line: segments[j[0]].append(i) # Started building for option of multiple segments, # but that may be an unlikely scenario # For the time being, assume only 1 segment of actual data (Segment1) # Removing segments without apparent data # for i in segments: # if np.size(i)==1: # segments.remove(i) # for i in segments: # data_dum=lines[i[1]+4:i[2]] # f, Z= [], [] # for line in data_dum: # each=line.split(',') # f.append(float(each[9])) # Z.append(complex(float(each[14]),float(each[15]))) raw_data = lines[segments[1][1]+4:segments[1][2]] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: each = line.split(',') f.append(float(each[9])) Z.append(complex(float(each[14]), float(each[15]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readZPlot(filename): """ function for reading the .z file from Scribner's ZPlot Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .z file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ import re with open(filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): # For files that have metadata in the header if "End Comments" in line: start_line = i # For files without metadata if "Freq(Hz)" in line: head_line = i try: raw_data = lines[start_line+1:] except UnboundLocalError: raw_data = lines[head_line+1:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: # Can use this approach if we don't mind importing re module each = re.split('\t|, ', line) f.append(float(each[0])) Z.append(complex(float(each[4]), float(each[5]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readPowerSuite(filename): """ function for reading the .txt file from PowerSuite Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .txt file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() raw_data = lines[1:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: if not line.isspace(): freq, z_re, z_im = line.split('\t') f.append(float(freq)) Z.append(complex(float(z_re), float(z_im))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readCHInstruments(filename): """ function for reading the .txt file from CHInstruments Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .txt file to extract impedance data from Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: lines = input_file.readlines() # Locate the line where the data lives for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('Freq/Hz'): # CH instruments has an empty space b/w header # and start of data line start_line = i+2 raw_data = lines[start_line:] f, Z = [], [] for line in raw_data: each = line.split(',') f.append(float(each[0])) Z.append(complex(float(each[1]), float(each[2]))) return np.array(f), np.array(Z)
[docs]def readCSV(filename): """ function for reading plain csv files Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .csv file to extract impedance data from where the file has three columns (frequency, Z_real, Z_imag) Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances """ data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',') f = data[:, 0] Z = data[:, 1] + 1j*data[:, 2] return f, Z
[docs]def saveCSV(filename, frequencies, impedances, **kwargs): """ saves frequencies and impedances to a csv Parameters ---------- filename: string Filename of .csv file to save impedance data to frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies impedance : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to np.savetxt """ if not filename.endswith('.csv'): filename += '.csv' data = np.vstack([frequencies, np.real(impedances), np.imag(impedances), ]).T header = 'freq,Re(Z),Im(Z)' np.savetxt(filename, data, delimiter=',', header=header, **kwargs)
[docs]def ignoreBelowX(frequencies, Z): """ Trim out all data points below the X-axis Parameters ---------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies Z : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances Returns ------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies after filtering Z : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances after filtering """ frequencies = frequencies[np.imag(Z) < 0] Z = Z[np.imag(Z) < 0] return frequencies, Z
[docs]def cropFrequencies(frequencies, Z, freqmin=0, freqmax=None): """ Trim out all data points below the X-axis Parameters ---------- frequencies : np.ndarray Array of frequencies Z : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances freqmin : float Minimum frequency, omit for no lower frequency limit freqmax : float Max frequency, omit for no upper frequency limit Returns ------- frequencies_final : np.ndarray Array of frequencies after filtering Z_final : np.ndarray of complex numbers Array of complex impedances after filtering """ frequencies_min = frequencies[frequencies >= freqmin] Z_min = Z[frequencies >= freqmin] # If no maximum is specified, return only samples filtered by minimum if freqmax: frequencies_final = frequencies_min[frequencies_min <= freqmax] Z_final = Z_min[frequencies_min <= freqmax] else: frequencies_final = frequencies_min Z_final = Z_min return frequencies_final, Z_final