Source code for impedance.models.circuits.elements

import numpy as np

[docs] class ElementError(Exception): ...
[docs] class OverwriteError(ElementError): ...
[docs] def element(num_params, units, overwrite=False): """decorator to store metadata for a circuit element Parameters ---------- num_params : int number of parameters for an element units : list of str list of units for the element parameters overwrite : bool (default False) if true, overwrites any existing element; if false, raises OverwriteError if element name already exists. """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(p, f): typeChecker(p, f, func.__name__, num_params) return func(p, f) wrapper.num_params = num_params wrapper.units = units wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ global circuit_elements if func.__name__ in ["s", "p"]: raise ElementError("cannot redefine elements 's' (series)" + "or 'p' (parallel)") elif func.__name__ in circuit_elements and not overwrite: raise OverwriteError( f"element {func.__name__} already exists. " + "If you want to overwrite the existing element," + "use `overwrite=True`." ) else: circuit_elements[func.__name__] = wrapper # Adding numpy to circuit_elements for proper evaluation with # numpy>=2.0.0 because the scalar representation was changed. # "Scalars are now printed as np.float64(3.0) rather than just 3.0." # # #representation-of-numpy-scalars-changed circuit_elements["np"] = np return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def s(series): """sums elements in series Notes --------- .. math:: Z = Z_1 + Z_2 + ... + Z_n """ z = len(series[0]) * [0 + 0 * 1j] for elem in series: z += elem return z
[docs] def p(parallel): """adds elements in parallel Notes --------- .. math:: Z = \\frac{1}{\\frac{1}{Z_1} + \\frac{1}{Z_2} + ... + \\frac{1}{Z_n}} """ z = len(parallel[0]) * [0 + 0 * 1j] for elem in parallel: z += 1 / elem return 1 / z
# manually add parallel and series operators to circuit elements w/o metadata # populated by the element decorator - # this maps ex. 'R' to the function R to always give us a list of # active elements in any context circuit_elements = {"s": s, "p": p}
[docs] @element(num_params=1, units=["Ohm"]) def R(p, f): """defines a resistor Notes --------- .. math:: Z = R """ R = p[0] Z = np.array(len(f) * [R]) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=1, units=["F"]) def C(p, f): """defines a capacitor .. math:: Z = \\frac{1}{C \\times j 2 \\pi f} """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) C = p[0] Z = 1.0 / (C * 1j * omega) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=1, units=["H"]) def L(p, f): """defines an inductor .. math:: Z = L \\times j 2 \\pi f """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) L = p[0] Z = L * 1j * omega return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=1, units=["Ohm sec^-1/2"]) def W(p, f): """defines a semi-infinite Warburg element Notes ----- .. math:: Z = \\frac{A_W}{\\sqrt{ 2 \\pi f}} (1-j) """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) Aw = p[0] Z = Aw * (1 - 1j) / np.sqrt(omega) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["Ohm", "sec"]) def Wo(p, f): """defines an open (finite-space) Warburg element Notes --------- .. math:: Z = \\frac{Z_0}{\\sqrt{ j \\omega \\tau }} \\coth{\\sqrt{j \\omega \\tau }} where :math:`Z_0` = p[0] (Ohms) and :math:`\\tau` = p[1] (sec) = :math:`\\frac{L^2}{D}` """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) Z0, tau = p[0], p[1] Z = Z0 / (np.sqrt(1j * omega * tau) * np.tanh(np.sqrt(1j * omega * tau))) return Z # Zw(omega)
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["Ohm", "sec"]) def Ws(p, f): """defines a short (finite-length) Warburg element Notes --------- .. math:: Z = \\frac{Z_0}{\\sqrt{ j \\omega \\tau }} \\tanh{\\sqrt{j \\omega \\tau }} where :math:`Z_0` = p[0] (Ohms) and :math:`\\tau` = p[1] (sec) = :math:`\\frac{L^2}{D}` """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) Z0, tau = p[0], p[1] Z = Z0 * np.tanh(np.sqrt(1j * omega * tau)) / np.sqrt(1j * omega * tau) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["Ohm^-1 sec^a", ""]) def CPE(p, f): """defines a constant phase element Notes ----- .. math:: Z = \\frac{1}{Q \\times (j 2 \\pi f)^\\alpha} where :math:`Q` = p[0] and :math:`\\alpha` = p[1]. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) Q, alpha = p[0], p[1] Z = 1.0 / (Q * (1j * omega) ** alpha) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["H sec", ""]) def La(p, f): """defines a modified inductance element as represented in [1] Notes ----- .. math:: Z = L \\times (j 2 \\pi f)^\\alpha where :math:`L` = p[0] and :math:`\\alpha` = p[1] [1] `EC-Lab Application Note 42, BioLogic Instruments (2019) <>`_. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) L, alpha = p[0], p[1] Z = (L * 1j * omega) ** alpha return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["Ohm", "sec"]) def G(p, f): """defines a Gerischer Element as represented in [1] Notes --------- .. math:: Z = \\frac{R_G}{\\sqrt{1 + j \\, 2 \\pi f \\, t_G}} where :math:`R_G` = p[0] and :math:`t_G` = p[1] Gerischer impedance is also commonly represented as [2]: .. math:: Z = \\frac{Z_o}{\\sqrt{K+ j \\, 2 \\pi f}} where :math:`Z_o = \\frac{R_G}{\\sqrt{t_G}}` and :math:`K = \\frac{1}{t_G}` with units :math:`\\Omega sec^{1/2}` and :math:`sec^{-1}` , respectively. [1] Y. Lu, C. Kreller, and S.B. Adler, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 156, B513-B525 (2009) `doi:10.1149/1.3079337 <>`_. [2] M. González-Cuenca, W. Zipprich, B.A. Boukamp, G. Pudmich, and F. Tietz, Fuel Cells, 1, 256-264 (2001) `doi:10.1016/0013-4686(93)85083-B <>`_. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) R_G, t_G = p[0], p[1] Z = R_G / np.sqrt(1 + 1j * omega * t_G) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=3, units=["Ohm", "sec", ""]) def Gs(p, f): """defines a finite-length Gerischer Element as represented in [1] Notes --------- .. math:: Z = \\frac{R_G}{\\sqrt{1 + j \\, 2 \\pi f \\, t_G} \\, tanh(\\phi \\sqrt{1 + j \\, 2 \\pi f \\, t_G})} where :math:`R_G` = p[0], :math:`t_G` = p[1] and :math:`\\phi` = p[2] [1] R.D. Green, C.C Liu, and S.B. Adler, Solid State Ionics, 179, 647-660 (2008) `doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2008.04.024 <>`_. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) R_G, t_G, phi = p[0], p[1], p[2] Z = R_G / ( np.sqrt(1 + 1j * omega * t_G) * np.tanh(phi * np.sqrt(1 + 1j * omega * t_G)) ) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=2, units=["Ohm", "sec"]) def K(p, f): """An RC element for use in lin-KK model Notes ----- .. math:: Z = \\frac{R}{1 + j \\omega \\tau_k} """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) R, tau_k = p[0], p[1] Z = R / (1 + 1j * omega * tau_k) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=3, units=['Ohm', 'sec', '']) def Zarc(p, f): """ An RQ element rewritten with resistance and and time constant as paramenters. Equivalent to a Cole-Cole relaxation in dielectrics. Notes ----- .. math:: Z = \\frac{R}{1 + (j \\omega \\tau_k)^\\gamma } """ omega = 2*np.pi*np.array(f) R, tau_k, gamma = p[0], p[1], p[2] Z = R/(1 + ((1j*omega*tau_k)**gamma)) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=3, units=["Ohm", "F sec^(gamma - 1)", ""]) def TLMQ(p, f): """Simplified transmission-line model as defined in Eq. 11 of [1] Notes ----- .. math:: Z = \\sqrt{R_{ion}Z_{S}} \\coth \\sqrt{\\frac{R_{ion}}{Z_{S}}} [1] J. Landesfeind et al., Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (7) A1373-A1387 (2016) `doi: 10.1016/10.1149/2.1141607jes <>`_. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) Rion, Qs, gamma = p[0], p[1], p[2] Zs = 1 / (Qs * (1j * omega) ** gamma) Z = np.sqrt(Rion * Zs) / np.tanh(np.sqrt(Rion / Zs)) return Z
[docs] @element(num_params=4, units=["Ohm-m^2", "Ohm-m^2", "", "sec"]) def T(p, f): """A macrohomogeneous porous electrode model from Paasch et al. [1] Notes ----- .. math:: Z = A\\frac{\\coth{\\beta}}{\\beta} + B\\frac{1}{\\beta\\sinh{\\beta}} where .. math:: A = d\\frac{\\rho_1^2 + \\rho_2^2}{\\rho_1 + \\rho_2} \\quad B = d\\frac{2 \\rho_1 \\rho_2}{\\rho_1 + \\rho_2} and .. math:: \\beta = (a + j \\omega b)^{1/2} \\quad a = \\frac{k d^2}{K} \\quad b = \\frac{d^2}{K} [1] G. Paasch, K. Micka, and P. Gersdorf, Electrochimica Acta, 38, 2653–2662 (1993) `doi: 10.1016/0013-4686(93)85083-B <>`_. """ omega = 2 * np.pi * np.array(f) A, B, a, b = p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] beta = (a + 1j * omega * b) ** (1 / 2) sinh = [] for x in beta: if x < 100: sinh.append(np.sinh(x)) else: sinh.append(1e10) Z = A / (beta * np.tanh(beta)) + B / (beta * np.array(sinh)) return Z
def get_element_from_name(name): excluded_chars = "0123456789_" return "".join(char for char in name if char not in excluded_chars) def typeChecker(p, f, name, length): assert isinstance(p, list), \ "in {}, input must be of type list".format(name) for i in p: assert isinstance( i, (float, int, np.int32, np.float64) ), "in {}, value {} in {} is not a number".format(name, i, p) for i in f: assert isinstance( i, (float, int, np.int32, np.float64) ), "in {}, value {} in {} is not a number".format(name, i, f) assert len(p) == length, "in {}, input list must be length {}".format( name, length ) return