Source code for impedance.models.circuits.circuits

from .fitting import circuit_fit, buildCircuit
from .fitting import calculateCircuitLength, check_and_eval
from impedance.visualization import plot_altair, plot_bode, plot_nyquist
from .elements import circuit_elements, get_element_from_name

import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs]class BaseCircuit: """ Base class for equivalent circuit models """ def __init__(self, initial_guess=[], constants=None, name=None): """ Base constructor for any equivalent circuit model Parameters ---------- initial_guess: numpy array Initial guess of the circuit values constants : dict, optional Parameters and values to hold constant during fitting (e.g. {"R0": 0.1}) name : str, optional Name for the circuit """ # if supplied, check that initial_guess is valid and store initial_guess = [x for x in initial_guess if x is not None] for i in initial_guess: if not isinstance(i, (float, int, np.int32, np.float64)): raise TypeError(f'value {i} in initial_guess is not a number') # initalize class attributes self.initial_guess = initial_guess if constants is not None: self.constants = constants else: self.constants = {} = name # initialize fit parameters and confidence intervals self.parameters_ = None self.conf_ = None def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ == other.__class__: matches = [] for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): matches.append((value == other.__dict__[key]).all()) else: matches.append(value == other.__dict__[key]) return np.array(matches).all() else: raise TypeError('Comparing object is not of the same type.')
[docs] def fit(self, frequencies, impedance, bounds=None, weight_by_modulus=False, **kwargs): """ Fit the circuit model Parameters ---------- frequencies: numpy array Frequencies impedance: numpy array of dtype 'complex128' Impedance values to fit bounds: 2-tuple of array_like, optional Lower and upper bounds on parameters. Defaults to bounds on all parameters of 0 and np.inf, except the CPE alpha which has an upper bound of 1 weight_by_modulus : bool, optional Uses the modulus of each data (|Z|) as the weighting factor. Standard weighting scheme when experimental variances are unavailable. Only applicable when global_opt = False kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to impedance.models.circuits.fitting.circuit_fit, and subsequently to scipy.optimize.curve_fit or scipy.optimize.basinhopping Returns ------- self: returns an instance of self """ frequencies = np.array(frequencies, dtype=float) impedance = np.array(impedance, dtype=complex) if len(frequencies) != len(impedance): raise TypeError('length of frequencies and impedance do not match') if self.initial_guess != []: parameters, conf = circuit_fit(frequencies, impedance, self.circuit, self.initial_guess, constants=self.constants, bounds=bounds, weight_by_modulus=weight_by_modulus, **kwargs) self.parameters_ = parameters if conf is not None: self.conf_ = conf else: raise ValueError('No initial guess supplied') return self
def _is_fit(self): """ check if model has been fit (parameters_ is not None) """ if self.parameters_ is not None: return True else: return False
[docs] def predict(self, frequencies, use_initial=False): """ Predict impedance using an equivalent circuit model Parameters ---------- frequencies: array-like of numeric type use_initial: boolean If true and the model was previously fit use the initial parameters instead Returns ------- impedance: ndarray of dtype 'complex128' Predicted impedance at each frequency """ frequencies = np.array(frequencies, dtype=float) if self._is_fit() and not use_initial: return eval(buildCircuit(self.circuit, frequencies, *self.parameters_, constants=self.constants, eval_string='', index=0)[0], circuit_elements) else: warnings.warn("Simulating circuit based on initial parameters") return eval(buildCircuit(self.circuit, frequencies, *self.initial_guess, constants=self.constants, eval_string='', index=0)[0], circuit_elements)
[docs] def get_param_names(self): """ Converts circuit string to names and units """ # parse the element names from the circuit string names = self.circuit.replace('p', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '') names = names.replace(',', '-').replace(' ', '').split('-') full_names, all_units = [], [] for name in names: elem = get_element_from_name(name) num_params = check_and_eval(elem).num_params units = check_and_eval(elem).units if num_params > 1: for j in range(num_params): full_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, j) if full_name not in self.constants.keys(): full_names.append(full_name) all_units.append(units[j]) else: if name not in self.constants.keys(): full_names.append(name) all_units.append(units[0]) return full_names, all_units
def __str__(self): """ Defines the pretty printing of the circuit""" to_print = '\n' if is not None: to_print += 'Name: {}\n'.format( to_print += 'Circuit string: {}\n'.format(self.circuit) to_print += "Fit: {}\n".format(self._is_fit()) if len(self.constants) > 0: to_print += '\nConstants:\n' for name, value in self.constants.items(): elem = get_element_from_name(name) units = check_and_eval(elem).units if '_' in name and len(units) > 1: unit = units[int(name.split('_')[-1])] else: unit = units[0] to_print += ' {:>5} = {:.2e} [{}]\n'.format(name, value, unit) names, units = self.get_param_names() to_print += '\nInitial guesses:\n' for name, unit, param in zip(names, units, self.initial_guess): to_print += ' {:>5} = {:.2e} [{}]\n'.format(name, param, unit) if self._is_fit(): params, confs = self.parameters_, self.conf_ to_print += '\nFit parameters:\n' for name, unit, param, conf in zip(names, units, params, confs): to_print += ' {:>5} = {:.2e}'.format(name, param) to_print += ' (+/- {:.2e}) [{}]\n'.format(conf, unit) return to_print
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, f_data=None, Z_data=None, kind='altair', **kwargs): """ visualizes the model and optional data as a nyquist, bode, or altair (interactive) plots Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.axes axes to plot on f_data: np.array of type float Frequencies of input data (for Bode plots) Z_data: np.array of type complex Impedance data to plot kind: {'altair', 'nyquist', 'bode'} type of plot to visualize Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs : optional If kind is 'nyquist' or 'bode', used to specify additional `matplotlib.pyplot.Line2D` properties like linewidth, line color, marker color, and labels. If kind is 'altair', used to specify nyquist height as `size` Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.axes axes of the created nyquist plot """ if kind == 'nyquist': if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5)) if Z_data is not None: ax = plot_nyquist(Z_data, ls='', marker='s', ax=ax, **kwargs) if self._is_fit(): if f_data is not None: f_pred = f_data else: f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3) Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred) ax = plot_nyquist(Z_fit, ls='-', marker='', ax=ax, **kwargs) return ax elif kind == 'bode': if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(5, 5)) if f_data is not None: f_pred = f_data else: f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3) if Z_data is not None: if f_data is None: raise ValueError('f_data must be specified if' + ' Z_data for a Bode plot') ax = plot_bode(f_data, Z_data, ls='', marker='s', axes=ax, **kwargs) if self._is_fit(): Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred) ax = plot_bode(f_pred, Z_fit, ls='-', marker='', axes=ax, **kwargs) return ax elif kind == 'altair': plot_dict = {} if Z_data is not None and f_data is not None: plot_dict['data'] = {'f': f_data, 'Z': Z_data} if self._is_fit(): if f_data is not None: f_pred = f_data else: f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3) Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred) if is not None: name = else: name = 'fit' plot_dict[name] = {'f': f_pred, 'Z': Z_fit, 'fmt': '-'} chart = plot_altair(plot_dict, **kwargs) return chart else: raise ValueError("Kind must be one of 'altair'," + f"'nyquist', or 'bode' (received {kind})")
[docs] def save(self, filepath): """ Exports a model to JSON Parameters ---------- filepath: str Destination for exporting model object """ model_string = self.circuit model_name = initial_guess = self.initial_guess if self._is_fit(): parameters_ = list(self.parameters_) model_conf_ = list(self.conf_) data_dict = {"Name": model_name, "Circuit String": model_string, "Initial Guess": initial_guess, "Constants": self.constants, "Fit": True, "Parameters": parameters_, "Confidence": model_conf_, } else: data_dict = {"Name": model_name, "Circuit String": model_string, "Initial Guess": initial_guess, "Constants": self.constants, "Fit": False} with open(filepath, 'w') as f: json.dump(data_dict, f)
[docs] def load(self, filepath, fitted_as_initial=False): """ Imports a model from JSON Parameters ---------- filepath: str filepath to JSON file to load model from fitted_as_initial: bool If true, loads the model's fitted parameters as initial guesses Otherwise, loads the model's initial and fitted parameters as a completed model """ json_data_file = open(filepath, 'r') json_data = json.load(json_data_file) model_name = json_data["Name"] model_string = json_data["Circuit String"] model_initial_guess = json_data["Initial Guess"] model_constants = json_data["Constants"] self.initial_guess = model_initial_guess self.circuit = model_string print(self.circuit) self.constants = model_constants = model_name if json_data["Fit"]: if fitted_as_initial: self.initial_guess = np.array(json_data['Parameters']) else: self.parameters_ = np.array(json_data["Parameters"]) self.conf_ = np.array(json_data["Confidence"])
[docs]class Randles(BaseCircuit): """ A Randles circuit model class """ def __init__(self, CPE=False, **kwargs): """ Constructor for the Randles' circuit class Parameters ---------- initial_guess: numpy array Initial guess of the circuit values CPE: boolean Use a constant phase element instead of a capacitor """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if CPE: = 'Randles w/ CPE' self.circuit = 'R0-p(R1-Wo1,CPE1)' else: = 'Randles' self.circuit = 'R0-p(R1-Wo1,C1)' circuit_len = calculateCircuitLength(self.circuit) if len(self.initial_guess) + len(self.constants) != circuit_len: raise ValueError('The number of initial guesses ' + f'({len(self.initial_guess)}) + ' + 'the number of constants ' + f'({len(self.constants)})' + ' must be equal to ' + f'the circuit length ({circuit_len})')
[docs]class CustomCircuit(BaseCircuit): def __init__(self, circuit='', **kwargs): """ Constructor for a customizable equivalent circuit model Parameters ---------- initial_guess: numpy array Initial guess of the circuit values circuit: string A string that should be interpreted as an equivalent circuit Notes ----- A custom circuit is defined as a string comprised of elements in series (separated by a `-`) and elements in parallel (grouped as (x,y)). Each element can be appended with an integer (e.g. R0) or an underscore and an integer (e.g. CPE_1) to make keeping track of multiple elements of the same type easier. Example: Randles circuit is given by 'R0-p(R1-Wo1,C1)' """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.circuit = circuit.replace(" ", "") circuit_len = calculateCircuitLength(self.circuit) if len(self.initial_guess) + len(self.constants) != circuit_len: raise ValueError('The number of initial guesses ' + f'({len(self.initial_guess)}) + ' + 'the number of constants ' + f'({len(self.constants)})' + ' must be equal to ' + f'the circuit length ({circuit_len})')